Friday, 18 July 2008

What Is Brown's Gas?

Brown's Gas, often referred to as HHO, is 2 parts hydrogen gas, and one part oxygen gas (by volume). Because it has the same elements and in the same proportions as water vapor, and because it is composed of Oxygen and Hydrogen, it is often not clearly understood what makes Brown's gas different from what you might buy from commercial suppliers of industrial gas (for instance).

Ordinary hydrogen and oxygen gas, when purchased commercially, or when produced by ordinary electrolyzers, comes in the form of 02 and H2. That is, the molecules of both gases form molecules of 2 atoms each. This is a more stable state for these gases than when individual atoms are separate as molecules (charged ions) of one atom each.

The problem with H2 and 02 as a combustible gas, is that before they can react together to make H2O, they must first be broken apart into separate H and O atoms. The energy required to do this is a large fraction of the energy you get back when they combine to make H2O.

What makes Brown's gas unique, and much more valuable, is that the hydrogen and oxygen have not formed into H2 and 02 molecules. They are in their monatomic (one atom per molecule) state. In this state, 3.8 times more energy will be returned when the hydrogen burns (combines with oxygen).

More importantly, however, is the reported results of using Brown's gas in internal combustion engines. Monatomic hydrogen makes a superior catalyst for breaking down and burning other fuels, such as petroleum based fuels. Increases in horsepower, mileage (mpg) and cleaner burning (less emissions) have all been reported by people introducing Brown's gas into their vehicle's intake air stream.

Some notes about Brown's Gas:

* In practice, the best electrolyzers will never produce pure Brown's Gas. There is always going to be some percentage of H2 and 02 molecules. The better the design of the electrolyzer, the higher the percentage of Brown's gas there will be.
* Over time, the charged ions, H+ and O- will combine into H2O, H2 and 02 molecules, further reducing this percentage. For this reason Brown's gas is best provided in an on-demand system.
* When creating Brown's gas the electrolyzer doesn't get hot. Electricity is absorbed by the reaction that creates H+ and O- from H2O. When H+ and O- reform into H2 and 02 molecules, they give off heat. This heat can be used as a gauge as to the percentage of Brown's gas being delivered.
* Brown's gas will have double the volume as the same amount of H2 and 02 molecules. This is because it doesn't matter what size the molecules are, it's the number of molecules that determines the volume of a gas. H2 and 02, having 1/2 the number of molecules will have 1/2 the volume. Therefore volume can be used as a gauge of Brown's gas production.


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