Tuesday, 15 July 2008

People opting for home delivery service to cut travel cost

ALMOST everyone is whining about the high cost of driving now, but one type of business concern is laughing its way to the bank with some windfall from the situation.

The fast-food home delivery service is apparently enjoying a surge in business as more and more people opt to stay home for suppers and snacks instead of driving out.

Following the 41% fuel price increase last month, many people are opting to eat at home or for food to be delivered to the door-step.
This way, they save on petrol cost and parking charges.

Plus, there’s the convenience of enjoying the meal in the comforts of the home, while watching television or just chatting among family members.

Nevertheless, consumers should take into account the delivery charges and food quality when it comes to home delivery service.

Some fast food restaurants and food delivery companies have cashed in on the fuel price increase to market their products and services by highlighting the high cost of travelling and promoting the convenience of home delivery service.


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