Thursday, 23 August 2007

Clean energy is catching on

WOODBRIDGE - This town has become the first municipality in Connecticut to meet and then exceed its commitment to obtain 20 percent of its energy through renewable resources by 2010.
The Board of Selectmen made that commitment on Sept. 29, 2005 and met it this past March, three years ahead of goal.

"It really sets Woodbridge apart from any of the other '20 percent by 2010' communities," said Jon Gorham, chairman of Woodbridge's Clean Energy Initiative Task Force.

Selectman Jim Sabshin, who also is a member of the Clean Energy Task Force, said he was proud to vote for the town's endorsement of the campaign.

To date, 55 municipalities from across the state have committed to the "20 percent by 2010" challenge, pledging to acquire at least 20 percent of their energy from renewable sources.


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